I was born in Otorohanga, my iwi is Ngāti Maniapoto and my hapū are Ngāti Uekaha and Ngāti Kaputuhi. I live and work in Waitomo, and my art forms are Whakairo Rakau, painting, Tā Moko, sculpture, and teaching.
At 19yrs old, I enrolled at Te Wānanga O Aotearoa on the contemporary Māori arts programme. I would also spend a lot of time in the carving shed. I was introduced to a set of values, beliefs, and ways of being that I felt resonated with myself, and I thrived in the environment. One of my art pieces was selected to be displayed alongside Buck Nin at the Toioho Ki Āpiti exhibition. This made me believe that I could make a living out of art.
Tā Moko has been my main breadwinner over the years. I have met many people through this art form and made firm friends through sharing korero and being entrusted with marking people’s bodies. Through Whakairo Rakau, I have gained insight into traditional Māori beliefs, Tikanga, and whakapapa.
My main goal is to make people feel comfortable enough to enjoy the “process” of art. It’s all in the doing. Art is for everyone, and it is not a competition.
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